Winter route  冬の行程

北海道大学 Hokkaido University

豊平館 Hohei-kan (Used  as Reception hall)




The tour will start at 9am and come back at 1pm. It's a sightseeing cycling tour on the snow. The tour takes you around famous spots concerned with Sapporo history such as Toyohira river, Nakajima Park, Seikatei Royal Pavilion, Hokkaido University, and some secret spots which even Sapporo people don't know. This tour is designed for guests who are not accustomed to cycling or wintersports. It includes some rest stops at convenience stores, and  a lunch break. The tour takes 3-4 hours and covers almost 10km.  The fee includes the rental FATBIKE and other necessities.

Guide fee is ¥13500(with tax)


Caution about route.


The route is  flexible and may vary according to weather, road conditions and the skill of tour members. In general, tours will run except in extreme bad conditions. Let's jump into the snow biking wonderland because you come to Hokkaido to experience snow!